
I am sending you out a mission(s); each one is simple yet challenging. Choose one and take some time to think about and play with the idea of the mission. Then have fun exploring ways to accomplish the mission. You can pick one or several to explore. You can go down the list starting at number one and do each mission in order. You can do these missions alone or with a friend(s).

Mission  Guidelines:  

1.      Look for opportunities- everyone needs a little TLC

2.      Be open &willing to connect-to new people and experiences

3.      Give- expecting nothing in return

4.      Likewise- when given- take without guilt or obligation- allow the giver the gift of giving

5.      Small and Simple- nothing large or extraordinary is required-give what and when you can

6.      However- keep in mind that you can never out give God- there is abundance

7.      Plus giving/sharing begets MORE- it opens us- to the abundance of the universe

8.      Be thankful- that you have something to give

9.      Be joyful- joy is a heart condition- Give from your heart

10.   No right or wrong way to complete a mission-trust your instincts 

**A mission may spark powerful reactions; be prepared for spontaneous joy. However, you may also experience other emotions such as hurt, sorrow, or guilt. These emotions are signs that you are doing something meaningful. Keep up the good work. 

Please share your experiences:

On Facebook at www.facebook.com/whisperofangeljuju  or send an email to whisperofangels@live.com and I will post it or you can post it yourself right here.  

Thank you for Giving of Yourself,



Each mission carries with it a message or two. Have fun exploring and playing with concepts/tasks .

Mission #1: Be Forgiving

Primarily, be forgiving to and of yourself. This requires some self-exploration and honesty yet the rewards are worth it. We all make mistakes and do stupid things. Be kind to yourself and allow forgiveness to flow through YOU!

Now move on to forgiving others- keep in mind that forgiveness is an act of love, you do not need to condone or excuse them; just forgive. Nor do you need to allow someone to continue to hurt you.

Mission #2: Forgive Debt(s)

Allow someone(s) off the HOOK- let it go! Some words of caution here- forgive only what you can – financially, emotionally, and spiritually. Also, do not fall into the trap of bragging, boosting, or shaming others. Forgive quietly, freely, and completely. Maybe you can only forgive a portion of a debt, do what you feel comfortable doing.

Mission #3: Send a Card or a Letter

A handwritten note has so much impact. You can send a card to a friend or relative or you can send a card to a business that you like. However, you can also randomly send a card to someone by calling a nursing home and asking about a resident that likes to receive cards or send a card via the USO to a military person serving our country. The list is endless. However, taking the time to write a thoughtful note is invaluable.

Mission #4: Give Some Time

We are all busy- yet giving of your time to a local organization can literally change lives. You get to pick how much and where to give your time. Challenge yourself to research organizations and causes that speak to your heart and soul. Then call to find out how you can get involved. Go-give-get involved! You may just find a calling awaiting you.

Mission #5: Be Kind to Others

This sounds so easy. Yet, this is a challenge. Be kind for an entire day, to everyone and everything. You can’t get mad at your computer, cell phone or the driver next to you. There will be no cursing the ants crawling all over your kitchen or the leaking faucet in the bathroom.

Mission #6: Be Kind to YOURSELF

This sounds easy. Yet, this is a challenge. Be kind to yourself for an entire day. You can’t get upset or fall prey to the negative self-talk. You have to be kind to yourself in every way. Challenge yourself to look in the mirror and not find one flaw. No frustration over what you can’t do; we all have limitations. Celebrate all you CAN do!

Mission #7: Be Thankful

For EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Easy, right? However, we often forget how blessed we are. Count your blessings. Yes, count- how many pairs of shoes do you have, how many meals you ate today, do you have a mode of transportation, etc.… Too easy- take it up a notch be thankful for things before they happen. An example- I am thankful that I will find a good parking place and be on time for work.

Mission #8: Feed the Body and You Feed the Soul

Share a meal. You don’t have to cook it yourself but you may enjoy that. Take food to someone, offer to cook for a young busy family, fix a meal at the homeless shelter, etc… Yet, go beyond sharing the food and feeding someone- share you and sup together. There is a reason that this type of fellowship is important to our souls.

Mission #9: Be Well

The human body is an amazing thing! It is constantly repairing, rebuilding, and growing. Be amazed at the wonder of the human body- yours and others. We come in different sizes and shapes, yet all beautiful. No one is immune from illness; however, wellness is a state of the spirit. Celebrate the wellspring of vitality and health within each of us.

Mission #10: To Infinity and Beyond

Consider the infinite universe- it is big- it is ever expanding. Share this vision with others and allow them to know the infinite universe and its infinite blessings. Look for ways to honor and celebrate this expansion. Challenge yourself and others to expand your horizons- mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.